Friday, February 25, 2011

Owen at 5 Months

Because of the low weight and Mommy's job looming, we started supplementing with formula. Tried Earth's Best, Earth's Best Soy, and Baby's Only, but they all seem to give him acid reflux. We've had to put him in the car seat to sleep at night once, and we raised his mattress to a 30 degree angle. Sleep is bad. Sometimes he's up every hour, which is not conducive to sleep for Mommy and Daddy. Time to hire a doula.

Height: 24 and 1/2 inches (say what? isn't that less than last month. yes, they made a mistake last month. no worries--he's growing out of his clothes so he definitely didn't shrink)
Weight: 13lbs 2 oz.
Head: 42cm

Almost forgot to mention the biggest development: TWO TEETH! bottom front.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--in the first picture he looks exactly like your husband and in the last picture he looks exactly like you (in the middle picture he looks like he's being smooched by a dog).
