Wednesday, May 26, 2010

26 weeks
We've returned from our trip to Rincon, Puerto Rico. I've included a couple pictures here. Mostly, we relaxed, going to Sandy Beach, swimming in our very own dipping pool at the villa where we were staying. While we were there, Mike took a surfing lesson. I look forward to taking one myself someday. In the meantime, I read: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larson and Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. I also started McCarthy's The Road but haven't yet finished it. Rincon is definitely a spot I'd like to return to, as it has the perfect combination of non-touristy vacation activity--surfing.

Baby news at 26 weeks:

1. OK, so obviously, he's still getting am I. Check out the bump pictures.

2. And he's kicking more. The kicks are definitely visible on the outside of my tummy, though you can't yet see individual body parts. He's most active kicking right before I go to sleep (not in a bad way, though).

3. I still have an "innie" belly button, but it is really stretched out.

4. Felt my first Braxton-Hicks on the beach in Puerto Rico.

5. We're redoing half our house right now. I don't know if I mentioned this. But it's tough going from a gorgeous villa back to sleeping in an 8'x 10' room with five pieces of furniture crammed into it because they can't go in the construction zone. I'll post pictures of the construction zone a bit later. On the plus side, while we were gone, our carpenter and our stairmaker installed a beautiful new set of stairs and a large steel beam in our living room (Sig, you're going to love it). Pictures of this to come as well.

Monday, May 10, 2010

22 weeks

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So I'm 22 weeks today. Here are some updates since I posted last.

I'm a lot bigger. Check out my bump at 20 weeks.

Perhaps the biggest news is that "It's a boy! But we had guessed that. For names, well, we're still coming up with a list. A long list. Suggestions are welcome.

Other news:
1. Kicks are stronger. One made me jump in class. Thankfully, my students didn't notice.

2. Our house is half torn apart. Having your house half torn apart when pregnant is no fun. Mike and I sleep in the baby's room because that's the room that's done.

3. Taxicabs slow down for me, but no one yet has offered me his or her seat on the train.

4. The first outfit gift I received was from the Myers, and it was a Green Monster onesie. The little one also has a Pedroia shirt. Such a fan.

19 weeks

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I thought I bet to start posting about the pregnancy here. I'm currently 19 weeks. I felt the baby kick for sure the first time last Wednesday in the middle of teaching class. It was a strong *bump* in the middle of my belly, and it surprised me, though I didn't show it to the class. For weeks, I'd been feeling a flutter. But one can never know what the cause of that is. This, on the other hand, is a kick.

Next week we find out the sex of the baby, though all signs point to a boy. We asked our friends' 3 year old daughter, and she, who apparently thinks all babies are girls said it was a boy. Then, last week, when I walked into Mike's 96 year-old grandmother's house, she immediately announced, "you're having a boy!" as if she were definite. Apparently, she could tell by the way I was carrying.

Information you may or may not want to know but you're reading this blog so I'm going to tell you:
1. I found out I was pregnant Christmas morning.
2. I had morning sickness from weeks 6 through 11, and then for a one night at 14 weeks. Morning sickness started at sundown and continued until noon the next day. I did not throw up. But sometimes I felt so nauseated, I wished that I could.
3. I had aversions more than cravings during the first trimester. I didn't want to eat anything but I knew that if I didn't eat anything, I would feel more sick. So I ate, but I didn't look at my food. I had some cravings for grapefruit. And I bought a lot of it.
4. The baby's in utero name is "The Dancer" a.k.a. "Cooper II."

The creation of Baby G

I decided it would be best to create a new blog for Cooper II/The Dancer. I'm going to import two previous posts so you can have the beginning of the updates.