Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Owen at 4 Months

No coffee for Christmas. Someday...

This month Owen celebrated Thanksgiving with his Guillorn (Odice) family and Christmas with the Sheas, Diamonds, Dalys, and Myers. He loves being out, meeting people during the day--enjoys when others hold him and make funny faces for him. Still trying to roll over from front to back. Also on the agenda...teething and crawling. Lots of thumb in the mouth (or fingers). Enjoys biting down on the antlers of the moose he received for Xmas. He got lots of gifts for Christmas and is very thankful.

Same old same old with the gas.

Length 25"
Weight 11.14 lbs (though a day later he was 12.14 on a different scale)
Head: 41 cm

Also enjoys playing with antique napkin rings,