Friday, March 25, 2011

Owen at 7 months

As you can see, Owen enjoys exploring things with his mouth. Here he is with a number 7. He sits up well, pivots, moves toward toys, moves into crawling position but doesn't crawl yet, and rolls across a room (back to front, front to back, back to front, etc.). While a big roller, he's also interested in walking. According to Granddad, he took a step--having let go of his gym and moved toward Granddad. Overall, he's a delight.

Speaking: Nine or Nein. Nyah. Mamamamamaamamama. Nananananananana.

Also, mommy had some coffee this month. While it did create a tiny bit of fussiness, it wasn't nearly as bad as before. And the gas issues seem much better.

With the third tooth peeking through, this is what's currently on the menu: prunes, oatmeal cereal, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, squash, apples, pears. Next up: crackers, peas, and water (sippy cup).

Seems to be most interested in Cooper. He'll stop and watch Cooper whenever he enters the room.

Also, Mommy finally bought a new charger for the video camera, so now we have a couple movies.

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